Anu Grace and Laurie Bycroft
Anu Grace and Laurie Bycroft 2
Tommy Leonard
Greg J Bryant
Greg J Bryant 2
Greg J Bryant 3
JJ Munyard
Jon Brown with Tony Vobr
Don Le Brooy & Jon Brown
Steve Conway
Paul Griggs
Tina Davidson
Ralph King
Colleen, Michael & Paul (DCP)
Cowboy (DCP)
Dave Mitchell (DCP)
Doug Pullen (DCP)
Glenn Stephens (DCP)
JJ Munyard 2 (DCP)
Maryann Kenny (DCP)
Mick Dawson and the Most Award (DCP)
Peter Gawith (DCP)
Scoobs Powell (DCP)
Stan A Lucas (DCP)
Tina & Gavin Davidson (DCP)
Tony Childs & the Bad Boys (DCP)
Tony Childs & the Bad Boys 2 (DCP)
Trigger AKA Aaron Tregea (DCP)
Paul Fagan (DCP)
Mick Dawson
Mick with Paul & Ralph
Doug Pullen
Stan A Lucas 2
Ian Williams
Ian Willams 2
Ian Williams 3